We believe that waxing shouldn't have to be any more painful than it needs to be so have made it our mission to make it as comfortable for you as possible.
We use Lycon Lycotec hot wax which is specifically designed for XXX waxing and sensitive skin. It's very soft and doesn't leave you as red and irritated as other waxes. We use "hot" wax for all facial, underarms and bikini area waxing.
Alluvia has been a hygienic salon for many years and pride ourselves on the no double dipping policy. We have just introduced waxing cartridges for strip waxing to minimize any potential cross contamination between clients. We use Mancine premium grade ultra flexxx which minimises broken hairs and ingrowns. Mancine Ultra Flexxx is so soft we can even do XXX with it!
We offer all waxing from your eyebrows right down to your toes. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to talk to Olivia at your next appointment.
Want to give it a go?
First time waxing? See our Waxing Etiquette guide.